Overdue Book News
Looking back, I realise it’s been a couple of months since I last gave an update on the book. This is something I aim to do from time to time, so here is the latest:
Worship Leading Essentials is now in the hands of an agent, who is busy submitting it to a number of publishers. The agent has extensive experience of the Christian publishing industry, and knows the most likely publishers both here and in the USA. The hope is that the broad potential appeal of the book, the foreword from Justin Welby, and the charitable intention to raise money for Bishop Desire’s family and his work in Goma in DRC, will help it find a publisher. But of course there are no guarantees, especially for a new author with a limited audience, so please pray!
My next question is what to write next. I have a dozen or more book ideas, but the most obvious direction is to write further about worship and worship leading. Whereas the first book is aimed at new worship leaders, especially teenagers and students, the second book will aim to offer inspiration and develop gifting among worship leaders who already have some experience.
Current possible chapters titles are Be A Worshipper, The Worship of Heaven, Songwriting and Creativity, Multi-Generational Worship, Spiritual Gifts 1 – Prophetic, Spiritual Gifts 2 – Other Gifts, Tech Upskilling, Developing and Leading teams, Character and Holiness, Modern Worship Inspirations, Conferences and the Bigger Stage, and Silence, Shouting, Scripture and Segues. Any suggestions for chapters or issues for inclusion would of course be most welcome.