Hydrate on Thursdays!
I’m continuing to link to the best articles and blogs I find on worship and worship leading, and this piece by Aaron Keyes on weareworship.com is really interesting:
I especially like his suggestion that for each song you choose for Sunday morning, you find three Scriptures that go with that song. Not so that you can read these verses in the service, but as rich content for your meditation and prayer during the week.
His other great point is one we all know, but need to be reminded of sometimes: live out the redeemed life that we sing about! Live the inspired, generous, serving and joyful life that we talk and sing about in church, live it seven days a week. When people see that God-abundant life in us, they will want to know the Jesus who makes it happen.
Oh, and hydrate on Thursdays! You’ll have to go the blog for that one.