Citizens and CityAlight – Two Great New Songs
The new Citizens song is the upbeat Only Jesus Christ. Written by Brian Eichelberger and Zach Bolen, Only Jesus Christ features effective and Biblical lyrics magnifying the Lord Jesus and drawing us into worship with a snappy beat that takes just a little effort to get the hang of! I love the emphasis on the uniqueness of Christ throughout the song, but especially in this final chorus:
“You are the Way, the Truth and the Life
You are the Blood, the Water, the Vine
You are the Word and You are the Light.”
Rich Thompson and Johnny Robinson have written the new CityAlight song Your Will Be Done. Described as expressing ” a prayer that can be prayed when our own voices fail us”, this is a song for the trials of the present pandemic, or a song for any times when we are in distress and aren’t sure what God is doing or how to pray through it. Jesus of course prayed this most memorably in the garden before the crucifixion, saying “Father not my will but yours be done.”
In a creative hymn form, Your Will Be Done takes us through the garden, the cross and the resurrection. It expresses our desire to be true followers of Jesus, going through whatever trials may come, and glorifying Him through it all. It finishes with a restatement of our faith that God will bring us safely home in the end.